7 Old School Games to Play With Your Grandkids

As grandparents, we always look forward to having one on one time with our grandkids. Too often we can find ourselves facing the backside of an I-Pad or other electronic device looking for ways to engage them. The secret is finding fun activities that both you and the kids will enjoy.

When we were children the closest thing to electronics we had was the TV – a color one if we were lucky – that had three or maybe four channels. But if your mama was like mine, there wasn’t any sitting in front of the TV. We were outside having fun with friends and because of that, we have an entire childhood of games and activities that we can call upon now to enjoy with our grandkids.

So here is my list of 7 ways to kick it Old School with your grandkids.

Red Light – Green Light
This is one of my favorites. I cannot count how many times I played this game with my cousins on my own granny’s porch. As an adult, these are still some of my favorite memories.

It’s a fun game that works with a variety of ages and can be played with any number of kids. It’s pretty simple. One person gets to be the light or the caller. The others line up a short distance away. The caller turns their back and calls Green Light. Every one starts running to be able to get the closest to the caller before the caller turns around and shouts Red Light. If the players get caught moving after the caller turns around, they go back to the start line. First one to get to the caller wins.

I Spy
This is one of my grandson’s all time favorites. We play in the car, on walks or just hanging out. It can be tailored to the age of the child. You can even play with magazines and picture books. It always makes me smile when I hear him say “I spy with my little eye, something that is RED”! Since he is still a toddler we name a color and point out all of the things we see that are that color. As the kids get older it can become harder trying to guess the exact thing someone has chosen.

Scavenger Hunt
You can adjust this one so it’s appropriate for any age. Give them a list of things to find. You can play inside or out and even hide special treats.

Shopping Trip
This one can take a bit of time to set up, but it’s a fun way to teach money skills. Set up your “store” using items from around the house or kitchen. Attach a price for each item. Give the kids a certain amount of play money to make their purchases. It’s fun to see what they choose. You can also use this as a reward system. The child can exchange their play money for items they want.

Set up empty water or soda bottles and roll the ball. As they get older, fill the bottles with water to make them harder to knock down.

Obstacle Course
It’s easy to structure this one to be age appropriate. Hop, Skip, Dribble, Dunk, Cart Wheel – have the kids help choose. For smaller kiddos, use chalk to create lines to walk, boxes to step in, things to count.

My grandson, Locke, jumping
through an Obstacle Course

Simon Says
Who could forget this one. It works for kids of all ages.

By engaging your grandkids in fun activities, you will be making memories that will last a lifetime. Don’t forget to take pictures!

Namaste, y’all!

Lori, Blissful Granny